Technology Alert- Padlet!

Before I ever post about technology, I really use it first….like exhaust it with my students sometimes. My students often cheer wildly when I change to a new techie obsession {not sure if they are cheering out of excitement for something new, or because they are tired of doing the old}.

I try it out in multiple subjects and really see how all of my students respond, especially my ESE, gifted, and ESOL students.

Well… I am excited to talk about Padlet. You may have heard of it. I think it is so versatile and can be used for a variety of things all across the subjects.

I am constantly in search of something new and exciting to bring to the classroom environment that is collaborative and creative. I really value the idea that technology, and it’s integration into the classroom, must be purposeful. It is interactive and engaging. 
Check out My Padlet that I created for literacy centers. You can add links, files, and pictures along with text. 

Step One: The teacher logs into Padlet and clicks on “Build a Wall”
Step Two: Double click anywhere on the “Wall” to reveal a text-box. Type into it what you want the students to see or do. This is where you can add links, files, and pictures along with text. 
Step Three: I post the link for the students to follow in order to get to the interactive board. Usually I post this on Edmodo so they just click on it. 
Step Four: Students double click anywhere on the “wall”, type their name, and then their response or follow the activity.
Some tips: 

Here are some examples of how I have used Padlet in my classroom: 
This is with the plain wallpaper.
This was a quick-check to classify animals according to their habitat. 

This was created as an “after” reading strategy.
I asked what questions they had about a story and they posted for everyone to see.
This inspired a research and inquiry project to research and answer the questions. 
This is with a wallpaper background. Makes it so much more exciting!!
This example was done with vocabulary words found in the text that they didn’t know. 
I quickly posted a topic to quickly check their learning throughout a lesson. It takes 2 seconds and you can instantly see who has mastered the skills!!
This is a true example of the full potential of Padlet. Each activity above has links for students to quickly access the information without having to search all over the internet. They can watch a video and respond digitally, link to an e-book to read or a website to create a follow up activity.

How do you use Padlet? I would love more ideas πŸ™‚